On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:19 AM, ♥"Sc☺rp!☺n"♥ <aanwar38@gmail.com> wrote:
dear frnds is trha mails sy kch ni ho ga hmain vu main cmps jana chahy or hmain strik krni chahy tbi kch ho skta hy is trha mails krny sy kic ki ni sunain gy vu walyOn Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 9:12 AM, mc100204504 Muhammad Rafaqat <mc100204504@vu.edu.pk> wrote:
dear all student
i am also with you and we are not understand the vu increase fees structure please we are commit to give a vu request please do not increase the fees. if you should not apply and return the dcetion then we will strike you and next our students affect it
dear student follow us
thanks m rafaqat jutt
mc100204504On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 11:03 PM, mc090401776 Sheeba Abbasi <mc090401776@vu.edu.pk> wrote:
I think we should not stand against the VU management, as its the first time VU has increased the fees. This happens in every university; other universities do this every year almost or sometimes every semester. So with the rise in inflation and prices of everything, VU has the right to increase the amounts. We know that this increase is a very little amount as compared to other universities, and ALSO its for the first time which should be bearable for the students.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 10:22 AM, maham <mc090405398@vu.edu.pk> wrote:oh sir,wht is this ,i am so tense about my fee which is 19,000.i cant bear it.On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 11:57 PM, Admin Askari <vuaskarihelpline110@gmail.com> wrote:
Please raise the voice with me if you like or sleep as usual. Choice is yours and makes no difference to me if I pay in one or 6 installments, I am serving and can afford, but I stand for those who can not afford. So join me now. Send mails now ....
On 13 April 2011 23:54, Iftikhar Naqvi <mcxxxxxxxxx@vu.edu.pk> wrote:
Date: 13 April 2011 23:54
Subject: Re: Fee Collection on Credit Hour Basis in 1-2 Installments-VU Announcement of Feb 25, 2011- A Feedback
To: registrar@vu.edu.pk, director_finance@vu.edu.pk
Cc: gmvtv@vu.edu.pk, BS_fee@vu.edu.pk, Masters_fee@vu.edu.pk, MS_fee@vu.edu.pk, Overseas_fee@vu.edu.pk, me@vu.edu.pk, Others_fee@vu.edu.pk
I thought after mailing that my words will be given some importance, but with the announcement of fee collection in three installments, and adding Rs 1000 in addition to raise of collection methodology of rs 750/credit hour has brought a problem over all in the students. When whole nation is suffering from price hikes and affordability to live is shrinking, these steps are more illogical and unwelcoming by the students. Its humble request to review the decision and revert to monthly subscription rather than this new system.Dear Sir/ Madam! A-o-A.
May I also request to know as to what is addition of Rs. 1000 in the fee? This was not mentioned earlier in the announcement.
Please reconcile the decision as it involves several thousand students future.
On 25 February 2011 23:11, Iftikhar Naqvi <mc090400221@vu.edu.pk> wrote:
Dear Sir / Madam! A-o-A.
I am here to give some important feedback with reference to the subject policy change that we be be facing in near future. I am presently a serving Army Officer and can definitely afford to pay the complete fee at once. But on other hand as a loyal student of VU, I must tell you few facts.
We have made a group of few friends and try to locate needy students to ensure their studies move well. I shall not expose their names and IDs who are presently being sponsored by us, and our non-VU friends. Each one of us have just taken as national responsibility by taking one student each and pay their fee on monthly basis. this means a number of students are there who can not afford even on monthly basis paying Rs 2000 as fee. Moreover, there are students who can not even buy books at their own, nor can have computers at their homes. We did arrange some computers and disbursed to them and also over 400 sets of old used books of the students were collected and distributed to such students.
a. There are students who are working class but with low salary and supporting to their families as well. This new policy will be very specifically harmful for them.
b. We keep telling people who are studying in AIOU or Preston or some other Universities to join us, and several have taken admission on my personal briefing on VU. I can count more than 100 students here in last 3 semesters of mine who came because of my briefing. However, the major factor alone was low and easy fee structure.
c. If the policy changes, I fear that there will be a decline on the number of students and some may quit by freezing at this moment. May be the number of students would be low, but definitely there will be a negative affect of this new policy.
d. With implementation of this policy we may not be able to help those students in time as we also have to move our homes and pay our fee, while taking care of other life factors. This may also result in some freezing or quitting of students.
I personally request you to please review this major policy shift which may bring the problems for several students. it will be worth mentioning that present policy is wonderful and affordable at the same time for all classes of the society. I would strongly suggest and recommend that VU should review this decision and revert to the present system by maintaining status quo.
Submitted for a reconciliation, considerations and favourable action in this regard, please.
Thanks & regards. Allah Hafiz
Iftikhar Naqvi
Thanks & regards. Allah Hafiz
Iftikhar Naqvi
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Thanks & regards. Allah Hafiz
Iftikhar Naqvi
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Admin Askari
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Sheeba Abbasi
ID: mc090401776
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-- do fixed a day for protest in vu head and call different channels for covering ....than we can enforce vu and get desire result.and there is no other way for ..........
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