On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 11:44 PM, Hafiz Salman Majeed <hafiz.salman.majeed1@gmail.com> wrote:
Hafiz Salman Majeed
Dear Fellow Students...FIN623 9 Midterm Papers and All Important MCQS 99.99% Sure Solved by ....Qazi umer and Laiba Butt....with Contribution of VU Askari Team....Best of luck to All of you for this Last Papers...
█▓▒░ Hafiz Salman Majeed░▒▓█
MBA Last Semester (Finance Group)
اللہ آپ کو آسانیاں عطا فرمائے۔
جزاكم الله خيرا وأحسن الجزاء في الدنيا والأخرة

brother g may ab mcs ky first systemer may hon may koi yiada nahi janta vu kay batary may some problem hay plz help me
dear brother kia ap mujh ko cs201 , cs402. cs601, eng 201 mth202 , sta 301 kay mid term awr final term kay paper send kar saktay ho to ap ki mahar bani ho gi plz plz
جہاں رہیے اللہ کے بندوں کے لیے باعثِ آزار نہیں، باعثِ رحمت بن کر رہیے
Hafiz Salman Majeed
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