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CS304 Unsolved Final Paper 2

Spring 2010
CS304- Object Oriented Programming (Session - 4)

Question No: 1    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Classes like TwoDimensionalShape and ThreeDimensionalShape would normally be concrete, while classes like Sphere and Cube would normally be abstract.
       ► True
       ► False
Question No: 2    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Virtual functions allow you to

       ► create an array of type pointer-to-base class that can hold pointers to derived classes.
       ► create functions that can never be accessed.
       ► group objects of different classes so they can all be accessed by the same function code.
       ► use the same function call to execute member functions of objects from different classes
Question No: 3    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 A pointer to a base class can point to objects of a derived class.

       ► True
       ► False
Question No: 4    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 A copy constructor is invoked when

       ► a function do not returns by value.
       ► an argument is passed by value.
       ► a function returns by reference.
       ► an argument is passed by reference.
Question No: 5    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Each try block can have ______ no. of catch blocks.

       ► 1
       ► 2
       ► 3
       ► As many as necessary.

Question No: 6    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Non Template Friend functions of a class are friends of ________instance/s of that class.

       ► All
       ► One specific
       ► All instances of one date type
       ► None of the given options

Question No: 7    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Template functions use _________ than ordinary functions.

       ► Greater Memory
       ► Lesser Memory
       ► Equal Memory
       ► None of the given options
Question No: 8    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The find() algorithm

       ► finds matching sequences of elements in two containers.
       ► finds a container that matches a specified container.
       ► takes iterators as its first two arguments.
       ► takes container elements as its first two arguments.
Question No: 9    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The copy() algorithm returns an iterator to

       ► the last element copied from.
       ► the last element copied to.
       ► the element one past the last element copied from.
       ► the element one past the last element copied to.
Question No: 10    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 If you define a vector v with the default constructor, and define another vector w with a one-argument constructor to a size of 11, and insert 3 elements into each of these vectors with push_back(), then the size() member function will return ______ for v and _____ for w.

         11 for v and 3 for w.

       ► 0 for v and 0 for w.
       ► 0 for v and 3 for w.
         3 for v and 11 for w.
Question No: 11    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which is not the Advantage of inheritance?

       ► providing class growth through natural selection.
       ► facilitating class libraries.
       ► avoiding the rewriting of code.
       ► providing a useful conceptual framework.

Question No: 12    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 class DocElement
      virtual void Print() { cout << "Generic element"; }
class Heading : public DocElement
      void Print() { cout << "Heading element"; }
class Paragraph : public DocElement
      void Print() { cout << "Paragraph element"; }
void main()
      DocElement * p = new Paragraph();


When you run this program, it will print out a single line to the console output.

What will be in that line?

Select one correct answer from the following list:

       ► Generic element

       ► Heading element

       ► Paragraph element

       ► Nothing will be printed.
Question No: 13    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which type of inheritance is being represented by the following statement,
class X : public A, public B { ... ... };

       ► Single inheritance
       ► Multiple inheritance
       ► Double inheritance
       ► None of the given options
Question No: 14    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 When we write a class template the first line must be:

       template < class class_name>
       template < class data_type>
       template < class T >
Here T can be replaced with any name but it is preferable.
       class class-name()
class template<class_name>

Question No: 15    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Function templates should be used where code and behavior must be identical.

       ► True
       ► False
Question No: 16    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is/are advantage[s] of generic programming?

       ► Reusability
       ► Writability
       ► Maintainability
       ► All of given
Question No: 17    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The specialization pattern <T*> after the name says that this specialization is to be used for every,

       ► data type
       ► meta type

       ► virtual type
       ► pointer type
Question No: 18    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 A range is often supplied to an algorithm by two _______ values.

       ► italic
       ► iteration
       ► iterator
       ► None of given
Question No: 19    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which of the following is an integral part of an object?

       ► State

       ► Behavior
       ► Unique identity
       ► All of the given
Question No: 20    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Consider the following statement

Cupboard has books

What is the relationship between Cupboard and books?

       ► Composition
       ► Aggregation
       ► Inheritance
       ► None of the given options
Question No: 21    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Which sentence clearly defines an object?

       ► one instance of a class.
       ► another word for a class.
       ► a class with static methods.
       ► a method that accesses class attributes.
Question No: 22    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 ___________, which means if A declares B as its friend it does NOT mean that A can access private data of B. It only means that B can access all data of A.

       ► Friendship is one way only
       ► Friendship is two way only
       ► NO Friendship between classes
       ► Any kind of friendship
Question No: 23    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 The statement objA=objB; will cause a compiler error if the objects are of different classes.

       ► True
       ► False
Question No: 24    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 Consider the call given below of an overloaded operator "+",
Rational_number_1 + Rational_number_2
Where Rational_number_1 and Rational_number_2 are the two objects of Rational_number class (a user defined class). Identify which of the above two objects will be passed as an argument to the overloaded operator function?

       ► Rational_number_1
       ► Rational_number_2
       ► Both Rational_number_1 & Rational_number_2
       ► any of the two objects, randomly
Question No: 25    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 If a class D has been derived using protected inheritance from class B (If B is a protected base and D is derived class) then public and protected members of B -------- accessed by member functions and friends of class D and classes derived from D
       ► can be
       ► cannot be
       ► does restirct to be
       ► not given
Question No: 26    ( Marks: 1 )    - Please choose one
 In Private --------------  only member functions and friend classes or functions of a derived class can convert pointer or reference of derived object to that of parent object

       ► specialization
       ► inheritance
       ► abstraction
       ► composition
Question No: 27    ( Marks: 2 )
 Give two uses of a destructor.

Question No: 28    ( Marks: 2 )
 Describe the way to declare a template class as a friend class of any other class.

Question No: 29    ( Marks: 2 )
 Give the name of two basic types of containers collectively called First class containers?

Question No: 30    ( Marks: 2 )
 State any conflict that may rise due to multiple inheritance?
Question No: 31    ( Marks: 3 )
 What will be the output after executing the following code?

class c1{
virtual void function(){
cout<<”I am in c1”<<endl;

class c2: public c1{
void function(){
cout<<”I am in c2”<<endl;


class c3: public c1 {
void function(){
cout<<”I am in c3”<<endl;


int main(){

c1 * test1 = new c2();
c1 * test2 = new c3();
return 0;

Question No: 32    ( Marks: 3 )
 If we declare a function as friend of a template class will it be a friend for a particular data type or for all data types of that class.

Question No: 33    ( Marks: 3 )
 Tell the logical error/s in the code given below with reference to resource management; also describe how we can correct that error/s.

class Test{

int function1(){
                                FILE *fileptr = fopen(“filename.txt”,“w”);
                                 throw exception();
                                 return 0;
                                 catch(Exception e){
Question No: 34    ( Marks: 5 )
 What is the output produced by the following program?


void sample_function(double test) throw (int);

int main()
                        cout <<”Trying.\n”;
                        cout << “Trying after call.\n”;
                        cout << “Catching.\n”;
            cout << “End program.\n”;
            return 0;
void sample_function(double test) throw (int)
            cout << “Starting sample_function.\n”;
            if(test < 100)
               throw 42;

Question No: 35    ( Marks: 5 )
 The code given below has one template function as a friend of a template class,
1.      You have to identify any error/s in this code and describe the reason for error/s.
2.      Give the correct code after removing the error/s.

template<typename U>
void Test(U);
template< class T >

class B {
            int data;
            friend void Test<>( T );

template<typename U>
void Test(U u){
    B < int> b1; = 7;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char i;
    return 0;

Question No: 36    ( Marks: 5 )
 Consider the following class,
class Base
            char * p;
            Base() { p = new char[10]; }

            ~Base() { delete [] p; }
class Derived : public Base
            char * q;
            Derived() { q = new char[20]; }

            ~Derived() { delete [] q; }
void foo()
            Base* p = new Derived();

            delete p;

With this program, every time function foo is called, some memory will leak.
Explain why memory will leak. Also, explain how to fix this problem.


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