On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 7:59 PM, Admin Askari <vuaskarihelpline110@gmail.com> wrote:
Today was my Viva on "Effects of Perceived Organizational Support on Job Satisfaction, a Study of Warid TeleCom."
It started at 04:35 instead of 04:00 PM. It was fine and friendly. I gave almost complete presentation less the Conclusions. They asked me 1 question only . What are factors of POS? And I almost discussed the answer in details.
Dear friends! I could have not done it without prayers of my parents, support of my wife and kids, and definite forthcoming support from all of you who assisted me in discharging the responsibilities that I took by creating this group and website. Really I am thankful to all of you, all the Admins, All Mods, and all those who assisted in arranging the conferences, discussions, here, on Skype etc. And those who also practically helped me in my Assignments also when I had no time to submit, like Hafiz Salman, the gem of friends, Honey my sweet fellow, Zain a nice friend, Rajpoot, always there on call, Maha, Laiba, Zoya, Fizza, Binish, Karwan, Raiba, Asad Munir, Saad, Adnan, Kamran, my sweet fellow Webmaster Rana Tanvir, my son Musa, Raja Naseer a nice discovery of friend, Sir Cheema, Rana Ahsan (Waseem), Rana Safdar my first Virtual Friend, Abdullah, Imran Candle, Kashif, Kazi 1 Nation, Ghafoor, Hafiz Marghoob, and specially Imran Ghafoor, and many more who were our part and now they have constructed their own homes, but remained in our memories. I apologize if I did not mention some friends' names.
I am also thankful to Mirza Gulraiz who started ever first Group VU-MBA-1, and that made me today owner of Askari and that First Forum of mine in life, VU-MBA-1.
Thank you my Special Mods Team who always stood beside me when needed to manage this huge forum.
I am also thankful to my friends who sponsored many students, that included, Sir Cheema, Imran Ghafoor, Navid, Waqar Shah, Mehboob Sahib, Coca Cola Company, Bukhari Sahib, Nafees Imran Sahib, Shahid Kazmi Sahib, and few more who contributed to this great cause.
My Request to all those who received the sponsorship from Askari.
Please make a cycle and pay further any time when you can to another student to assist him/ her in studies. That is how we would contribute to Making and Building of Pakistan.
What I will always miss, is all of you the Students who gave me new experience of my life that I never had. It was an awesome experience.THANK YOU ALL
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Admin Askari
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