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Saturday, February 26, 2011

MTH202 Solved Subjective Final term Exam

Question: What is a combination?
Answer: A combination is an un-ordered collection of unique
elements. Given S, the set of all possible unique
elements, a combination is a subset of the elements of
S. The order of the elements in a combination is not
important (two lists with the same elements in
different orders are considered to be the same
combination). Also, the elements cannot be repeated in
a combination (every element appears uniquely once
Question: why is 0! equal to 1?
Answer: Since n! = n(n-1)!
Put n =1 in it.
1! = 1x(1 – 1)!
1! =1x0!
1! = 0!
Since 1! = 1
So 1 = 0!
0! = 1.
Question: What is the basic idea if Mathematical Induction?
Answer: Mathematical Induction
Question: Define symmetric and anti-symmetric.

Question: What is the main deffernce between Calculus and
Discrete Maths?
Answer: Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematics
which concerns to the study of discrete objects.
Discrete math build students approach to think
abstractly and how to handle mathematical models
problems in computer While Calculus is a mathematical
tool used to analyze changes in physical quantities. Or
"Calculus is sometimes described as the mathematics
of change." Also calculus played an important role in
industrial area as well discrete math in computer.
Discrete mathematics concerns processes that consist
of a sequence of individual steps. This distinguishes it
from calculus, which studies continuously changing
processes. the ideas of discrete mathematics
underline the science and technology specific to the
computer age. An important goal of discrete
mathematics is to develop students’ ability to think
Question: Explain Valid Arguments.
Answer: When some statement is said on the basis of a
set of other statements, meaning that this statement
is derived from that set of statements, this is called
an argument. The formal definition is “an argument is a
list of statements called “premises” (or assumptions or
hypotheses) which is followed by a statement called
the “conclusion.”
A valid argument is one in which the premises
imply the conclusion.
1) It cannot have true premises and a false
2) If its premises are true, its conclusion must
be true.
3) If its conclusion is false, it must have at least
one false premise.
4) All of the information in the conclusion is also
in the premises.
Question: What is the Difference between combinations and
Answer: When we talk of permutations and combinations in
everyday talk we often use the two terms
interchangeably. In mathematics, however, the two
each have very specific meanings, and this distinction
often causes problems
In brief, the permutation of a number of objects is
the number of different ways they can be ordered; i.e.
which one is first, which one is second or third etc. For
example, you see, if we have two digits 1 and 2, then 12
and 21 are different in meaning. So their order has its
own importance in permutation.
On the other hand, in combination, the order is not
necessary. you can put any object at first place or
second etc. For example, Suppose you have to put some
pictures on the wall, and suppose you only have two
pictures: A and B.
You could hang them
We could summarise permutations and combinations
(very simplistically) as
Permutations - position important (although choice may
also be important)
Combinations - chosen important,
which may help you to remember
Question: What is the use of kruskal's algorithn in our daily life?
Answer: The Kruskal’s algorithm is usually used to find minimum
spanning tree i.e. the possible smallest tree that
contains all the vertices. The standard application is to
a problem like phone network design. Suppose, you have
a business with several offices; you want to lease
phone lines to connect them up with each other; and
the phone company charges different amounts of
money to connect different pairs of cities. You want a
set of lines that connects all your offices with a
minimum total cost. It should be a spanning tree, since
if a network isn't a tree you can always remove some
edges and save money. A less obvious application is
that the minimum spanning tree can be used to
approximately solve the traveling salesman problem. A
convenient formal way of defining this problem is to
find the shortest path that visits each point at least
Question: What is irrational number?
Answer: Irrational number An irrational number can not be
expressed as a fraction. In decimal form, irrational
numbers do not repeat in a pattern or terminate. They
"go on forever" (infinity). Examples of irrational
numbers are: pi= 3.141592654...
Question: Define membership table and truth table.
Answer: Membership table: A table displaying the membership
of elements in sets. Set identities can also be proved
using membership tables. An element is in a set, a 1 is
used and an element is not in a set, a 0 is used. Truth
table: A table displaying the truth values of
Question: Define function and example for finding domain and
range of a function.
Question: Why do we use konigsberg bridges problem?
Question: Explain the intersection of two sets?
Question: What is absurdity With example?

By ADEEL ABBAS, Bhakkar.

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