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Sunday, February 27, 2011

MCM301 Solved Questions for finalterm Papers success

Q. How can you make your written communication more concrete?    


A.  As written communication plays such a significant role in our economy and in the daily routines of the vast majority of organizations that an understanding of the essentials of written communication has become critical. One must know what one wants to say and how to say it. In addition, one must also design ones messages to portray exact meaning as well as create a favorable impression. Well-worded messages not only brings one and ones  reader closer together, but also make one appear more friendly, helpful, and interested.

In order to choose the right words and sentences for ones letters, one must need to be familiar with the elements of effective written communication.

The elements are:

1. Courtesy


Communicating concretely means being specific, definite, and vivid rather than vague and general. Concrete writing makes specific references to persons, places, objects & actions while abstract ones making general references to these items.

To make ones writing concrete one should:

a. Include as much specific information as possible.
b. Use active rather than passive verbs.
c. Use vivid, image-building words.

Include as much specific information as possible:

Unfortunately, what is concrete to us may not be concrete to our readers. An effective way to overcome this dilemma is to provide as much specific information as possible rather than giving general information. General information can also be taken as a delaying stuff and may also lead to the boredom.

Use active rather than passive verbs:
Active verbs help make your sentences more:

1. Specific: “The Dean decided” is more explicit than “A decision has been made”.
2. Personal: “You will note” is both personal and specific. “It will be noted” is impersonal.
3. Concise: The passive requires more words and thus slows both writing and reading. Compare “Figure shows” with “It’s shown by figures”
4. Emphatic: Passive words dull action. Compare “The students held a contest” with “A contest was held by the students”.
One may prefer the passive voice, instead of the active, only in such situations:

1. When one wants to avoid personal, blunt accusations or comments: “The October cheque was not included” is more tactful than “You failed to include the October cheque”. “Attendance at the meeting is required” is less harsh than “You must attend”.

2. When one wants to stress the object of the action: In “Your saving account is insured up to 1, 00,000”, one has intentionally stressed “your account” not the firm that does the insuring. Also “You are invited” is better than “We invite you.”

3. When the doer isn’t important in the sentence: In “Three announcements were made before the meeting started” the emphasis is on the announcements not on who gave them or who made the announcement.

Use vivid, image-building words:
One of the most important keys to make ones writing more concrete is to use image building and vivid words. And among the devices one can use to make ones messages forceful, vivid, and specific are sensory appeals, comparisons, concrete nouns, and well-chosen adjectives and adverbs.



(a)Explain the difference between direct request letters and indirect request letters.

Whenever we ask for something – information, action, products, adjustments, and references – we are making a request. To be as clear as possible, we as a writer need to imagine all the ways a request might be understood and then carefully choose our words to avoid pitfalls.

Direct request letters and indirect request letters are both request letters but they are opposite in their nature. In direct request letters the request is made directly without building up any ground or making an acceptable environment however in in-direct letters particularly when we are requesting for something that is expected not to be fulfilled ; we will build up a ground first and then made a request.

Like all routine messages, routine requests may be thought of as having three parts: an opening, a body, and a close. Using the direct approach, we place our main idea (a clear statement of the request) in the opening.  Use the middle to give details and justify our request. Then we close by requesting specific action and concluding cordially.

The indirect request letter is used to request general information rather than answers to specific questions. The opening of an indirect request letter is less specific than the opening of a direct request letter. In the middle usually the request is made with some details and in the end again we close requesting some specific action and concluding cordially.


Dear ________________,

I am writing to request a copy of the current collective bargaining agreement between Local 3 and Overwork Manufacturing Corp.

I have worked at the Overwork Manufacturing Corp. as a machine operator and have been a member of Local 3 for 15 years. I understand that it is my right under the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act to have a current and true copy of the Collective Bargaining Agreement and all related agreements (signed by both parties) that apply to me.

Please send me a copy of the collective bargaining agreement between Local 3 and Overwork Manufacturing Corp. to the address below or let me know when I can come to the office to obtain a copy of the agreement. I ask to receive a copy of the contract by

Thank you for your assistance.

(b) What are the important details to include in social-invitation letter?     

Most social invitation letters are considered informal. When more formality is needed, a formal invitation, either printed or handwritten should be considered.

An effective and not very formal social invitation letter should have:

A fast start that presents the invitation and that contains important information about the event to which the reader is being invited.
A section that presents a discussion of the important information.
An action oriented closing.

In detail the essential things are:

·         The name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hostess?)

·         Exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?)

·         what type of social event is being held

·         the date, address, and time of the event

·         directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find

·         what type of dress is appropriate or preferred

·         The phone number and deadline to reply; precede these facts with “R.S.V.P.” (French abbreviation for “please reply”).

Try to send the invitation letter two weeks or more in advance.


Please join us at a luncheon on Dec. 21 to celebrate Mr. Rehman’s tenth year as the Rector of the University. This important event, which begins at , will be held at the Blue Restaurant on
Hali Road
in Lahore.

                                                (A fast-start that presents the invitation and that contains important information about the event to which the reader is being invited)

In addition to the University’s staff, a few of the senior academicians are also being invited. If you wish, you will have an opportunity to join others in making a public tribute to recognize Mr. Rehman’s significant accomplishments during his attachment with the University.                  (A section that presents a discussion of the important information)

Please let me know by Dec. 10 if you will be able to attend the celebration and if you wish to deliver a tribute.                    (An action-oriented closing)

What are the key points that must be kept in mind for declining an invitation letter? Explain with the help of an example?               

Declining an invitation

From time to time, invitations must be declined. The reasons necessitating regrets are varied, ranging from a potential conflict of interest to a lack of time. Regardless of the reason for the refusal, the letter of decline must be tactful and courteous.

Key Points for Declining an Invitation

·         Open your declining letter with a sincere expression of regret as you state exactly what you are declining and how you received the request.

·         In your declining letter, explain your reasons for declining and any evidence you may have to back up your position.

·         Use courteous language throughout your declining letter

·         Check your declining letter carefully for mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

The letter declining an invitation below is much more likely to produce a better relationship between the writer and the reader.

Thank you for inviting me to speak at the upcoming convention of the Management Association. I’ve always found it pleasant to visit Lahore in Spring.

Our firm recently began offering public seminars in various cities throughout the country. I am scheduled to offer a 3-day seminar in Karachi during the same 3-days of your convention. Otherwise, I would be happy to speak at your convention.

One of my colleagues who also has expertise in management sciences is available during the time you asked me to speak. His presentation skills are excellent, and I am certain that he could contribute significantly to the success of your convention.

If you are interested in contacting my colleague about the possibility of his speaking at your convention, please send me a note or call me at ……

Best wishes for a successful convention.

By ADEEL ABBAS, Bhakkar.

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