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Saturday, March 12, 2011

M.Com, Part- I, Paper V Eco Analysis & Managerial Eco (Objective) UOS 2009

Subject: M. Com -V                M. Com: Part- I, 1st-A/09
Roll No. ________________                         Sig of Dy. Superintendent. __________________
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University of Sargodha
M.Com, Part- I, 1st Annual Exam 2009
Paper: V     Eco Analysis & Managerial Eco
Maximum Marks: 40                                                             Fictitious #:            ____________  
Time Allowed: 45 Min.                                                            Signature of CSO: ____________

Objective Part

Note:               Cutting, Erasing, overwriting and use of Lead Pencil are strictly prohibited. Only first attempt will be considered.

Q.1.A:             Tick the correct option.                                                                                 (10)

i.          Trend of Curve of demand is:
            a. Left to Right up         b. Right to left up          c. Left to right down     d. right to left down
ii.          In case of rise in supply, supply curve:
            a. Shifts from left to right                                   b. Shifts from right to left
            c. Moves upward                                             d. Moves Downward
iii.         When Total Utility increases, Marginal Utility is:
            a. negative and increasing                                  b. Negative and declining
            c. Zero                                                             d. Positive and declining
iv.         GNP – Depreciation =
            a. GDP                         b. NNP                        c. N.I
v.         Q  P =
            a. TR                            b. MR                          c. AR

B:        Tick true or false.                                                                                          (10)

i.          An indifference Curve is concave to the origin.                                       T          F
ii.          A Budget line slopes upward as income decreases.                                           T          F
iii.         Distinction of fixed and variable cost is maintained even in Long Run.     T          F
iv.         GNP – Capital Allowance = NI                                                                        T          F
v.                   Macroeconomics is concerned with the output, general level of Prices
and the growth of real output.                                                                T          F

C:        Fill in the Blank.                                                                                                         (10)

i.                     The optimum level of output for a perfectly competitive firm is given by the point where MR = _____________________.
ii.                   MC is given by the slope ______________________ of curve.
iii.                  At the point of producer equilibrium MRTSLK = _______________________.
iv.                 At equilibrium, the slope of Indifference Curve is equal to the _____________________.
v.                   If the Income elasticity of demand is greater than 1, the commodity is _______________.

Q.2.     Give short answer of the following:                                                              (10)
i.          Define Deflation
ii.                   Define Money.
iii.                  Define Business Cycle.
iv.                 Define National Income.
v.                   What is concept of Un-employment?


By ADEEL ABBAS, Bhakkar.

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